Evaluations of the QUARTET PLUS and TABASCO Projects in Europe found that transit signal priority reduced travel time for transit vehicles by 5 to 15 percent.
Date Posted

Telematics Applications Programme - Transport Areas' Results (4th Funding Programme)

Summary Information

This report summarizes the evaluation results for many ITS projects implemented in Europe between 1994 and 1998. The report describes the benefits with few details of the implementations or the context of the results; however, it references many different projects by name, and evaluation reports for each can be found elsewhere on the Telematics Application Programme -Transport Sector web page (see source reference information contained in the Source box).


Three projects investigated the impacts of public transit priority systems. Each of the projects demonstrated significant delay or travel time reductions for transit vehicles.

  • Travel time reductions ranged from 5 to 15 percent in the QUARTET PLUS and TABASCO projects, with field trials in Toulouse, Turin, Gothenburg, and Munich.
  • The project in Valencia, Spain found a 30 percent reduction in delay for vehicles already behind schedule.

These reductions led to improvements in operating efficiency, which in turn provided significant cost reductions for operators.

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