An intersection Eco-signal System can reduce fuel consumption up to 45 percent.

Evaluation of the impacts of eco-driving and eco-signal systems using field studies and a driving simulator.

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Field Evaluation of Vehicle to Infrastructure Communication Based Eco-Driving Guidance and Eco-Signal System

Summary Information

The primary objectives of this study were to measure the reduction in fuel consumption using eco-driving guidance and eco-signal mechanisms and to verify the confidence of a driving simulator by comparing results with findings from a field operational test.


To implement the experiments, an eco-driving guidance system and an eco-signal system using V2X communication in a multi-vehicle environment were proposed. For calculating recommended speeds, signal phase and timing (SPaT) information, locations, and speeds of a subject vehicle, as transmitted through a V2X communications were used. By testing several pairs (with and without guidance) of trials for each scenario, the fuel consumption reduction rates were calculated using a VT-Micro model to evaluate the benefit of the eco-driving system and validate the confidence of the driving simulator through comparison with field testing results.


The field test results showed that the Eco-driving Guidance could reduce fuel consumption by approximately 20 to 40 percent, and the Eco-signal System could reduce fuel consumption up to 45 percent. The trajectory and the acceleration profiles indicated that eco-driving helped participants drive more smoothly and avoid some unnecessary braking.

Compared to the measured fuel consumption, the theoretically calculated fuel consumption with the speed and acceleration data using the VT-Micro model were underestimated, and their fuel consumption reductions were around 10 percent lower than those of the field measured results.