Four Different Adaptive Signal Control Software Solutions Used to Control 10 Intersections over 10 Years Ranged in Cost from $191,477 To $350,000.

Oregon DOT Study Evaluated Life Cycle Costs for Various Coordinated Intersection Signal Timing Systems and Vehicle Detection Technologies.

Made Public Date

This study collected and analyzed event-based vehicle detection data from years 2015-2016 and from multiple technologies, including inductive loop, magnetometers, radar sensors, and video, thermal, and hybrid detectors, at four different sites in Oregon. The goal was to provide guidance for deployment of non-invasive detection for use in adaptive control, as well as develop a life cycle cost comparison of various detection sources. Data during fair weather from non-invasive detection zones co-located with inductive loops were compared based upon typical metrics used for driving adaptive algorithms, such as activations, occupancy, and time to gap out.


In order to conduct a Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) for various vehicle detection and Adaptive Signal Control Technologies (ASCT) the initial step in obtaining cost data was reaching out to manufacturers and Oregon DOT (ODOT) officials through an informal survey. The second step was through direct email to the specific manufacturers and practitioners. A final attempt to capture pertinent cost information was made using national institution forums such as the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The LCCA results were obtained using an LCCA Tool developed for this study, and a three percent discount rate, ten-year analysis period, and a network of ten intersections. For signal control technologies, coordinated signal timing (CST) was included as a baseline measurement for the LCCA. Table 1 summarizes the cost estimates for a baseline CST system and four systems using different ASCT.


Table 1. Signal Control Technologies Cost Summary

Cost Component

CST (Baseline)

ASCT Type 1

ASCT Type 2

ASCT Type 3

ASCT Type 4

Initial Coordinated Signal Timing Cost Per Intersection






Additional Coordinated Costs per Intersection






Annual Coordinated Maintenance Cost


$17500/ # of intersections




Coordinated Server or Central Software Cost






Life Cycle Cost (10 intersections for 10 years)






* This cost is captured in initial cost.This cost is captured in server cost.


Table 2 shows the life cycle cost of various vehicle detection technologies for one intersection over 10 years and Table 3 shows the cost breakdowns.

Table 2. Life Cycle Cost for Vehicle Detection for One Intersection Over 10 Years


  Total Initial Costs

 Total Present Annual Costs 

 Total Present Replacement Costs 

 Life Cycle Cost

 Inductive Loop















 Video Stop Bar










 Hybrid (video + radar)






Table 3. Vehicle Detection Technologies Cost Breakdown


Inductive Loop



Video Stop Bar


Hybrid (video + radar)

Detector Purchase



Stop Bar Detection: $5,000; Advanced Detection: $5,950




Detection Channels

$150 / card


Stop Bar Detection:$350/card; Advanced Detection: $330 / card

Stop Bar: $3,000;  Advanced:$1,500

Stop Bar: $4,010; Advanced: $2,610


Other Costs


$5000 / Intersection





Major Stop bar Detectors / Approach Detection Cost

$4,800 for 7 detectors

$6,150 for 7 detectors





Minor Stop bar Detectors / Approach Detection Cost

$2,700 for 4 detectors

$3,975 for 4 detectors





Major Advanced Detectors / Approach Detection Cost

$1,350 for 2 detectors

$2,875 for 2 detectors





Minor Advanced Detectors / Approach Detection Cost

$1,350 for 2 detectors

$2,875 for 2 detectors





Estimated Lifespan of Detection

15 years

8.5 years

10 years

10 years

10 years

10 years

Annual Maintenance Visits / Cost per Approach







Traffic Control Maintenance / Cost per Approach (1 lane)







Improving Adaptive/Responsive Signal Control Performance: Implications of Non-Invasive Detection and Legacy Timing Practices

Improving Adaptive/Responsive Signal Control Performance: Implications of Non-Invasive Detection and Legacy Timing Practices
Source Publication Date
Smaglik, Edward J.; Christopher Sobie; Anuj Sharma; Chenhui Liu; and Sirisha Kothuri
Prepared by Oregon DOT for the U.S. DOT Federal Highway Administration
System Cost

See summary information

System Cost Subsystem