CVISN technologies that improve carrier compliance can increase safety and carrier efficiency; benefit-to-cost ratios approach 7.5 for electronic screening and 2.6 for electronic credentialing.

Evaluation of CVISN technologies in the United States

Date Posted

Evaluation of the National CVISN Deployment Program: Volume 1 Final Report

Summary Information

This source report evaluated the deployment of Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) used to support commercial vehicle operations. A motor carrier survey, cost analysis, safety analysis, and benefit-to-cost analysis were conducted to evaluate the safety, efficiency, and economic impacts of core CVISN technologies. At the time of the evaluation (October 2008) core CVISN technologies including electronic credentialing (EC), safety information exchange (SIE), and electronic screening (ES) were operational or being implemented in 45 states.


Overall, the benefits and costs of statewide CVISN applications were dependent on the system configuration and cost, level of deployment, and the benefits of crash avoidance gained through increased compliance.

  • Results from the CVISN Final Report estimated benefit-to-cost ratios ranging from 1.9 to 7.5 for electronic screening (depending on the scenario deployed) and 2.6 for electronic credentialing.

Taken together, these results indicate that all aspects of the National CVISN Deployment Program examined in the benefit-to-cost analysis were expected to produce significant net benefits to society and were economically justified.

Goal Areas
Deployment Locations