On the Køge Bugt Motorway in Copenhagen, Denmark, travel times and alternative route information posted on dynamic message signs prompted 12 to 14 percent of drivers to divert onto less congested alternative routes.
Date Posted

Traffic management applications on the Køge Bugt Motorway, Denmark

Summary Information

This report examines a temporary traffic management system implemented in association with a work zone in Copenhagen, Denmark. Dynamic message signs and traffic detectors were deployed on freeways surrounding the work zone to support dynamic route information at diversion points and the implementation of variable speed limits (VSL). The temporary system was deployed in response to expected increases in accidents and congestion as a result of a roadway expansion project on the Køge Bugt Motorway where four lanes were expanded to six lanes between summer 2002 and summer 2003. The road construction project involved several changes in road geometry within the work zone.

The impact of dynamic route advisory messages posted on dynamic message signs in the study area was evaluated by collecting traffic volume and speed data from loop detectors and machine vision license plate detectors before and after deployment.


Dynamic Route Information

The dynamic route information system displayed travel times along the Køge Bugt Motorway (through the work zone) as well as an alternate freeway route at diversion points on either side of the work zone. Travel times on these routes were approximately 5.5 to 7.5 minutes under free flow conditions.

Review of the traffic flow data collected during the study found that the dynamic route information system only affected the choice of route when there was a considerable difference in the travel time estimates for each route. The greater the posted difference, the greater the influence. Under these conditions, where major differences in delays were displayed, up to 12 percent of vehicles traveling toward Copenhagen diverted to the least congested route, while 14 percent of vehicles traveling away from Copenhagen diverted to the least congested route.
Goal Areas
Deployment Locations