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Familiarize travelers with active traffic management applications and use visible police presence when initiating ATM operations to improve pedestrian safety.

Dynamic Turn Restrictions Bellevue, Washington implemented a variable right turn restriction on the eastbound right turn movement at NE 8th Street and Bellevue Way using illuminated blank-out signs…
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Deploying right-turn restrictions as an active traffic management strategy can improve safety and efficiency at intersections with unconventional layouts, right-turn overlaps, emergency vehicle conflict concerns, and high pedestrian volumes.

Dynamic Turn Restrictions Overland Park, Kansas uses dynamic right-turn restrictions at six locations to address three scenarios: intersections with recently removed right-turn overlaps,…
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Dynamic turn restrictions can improve safety and efficiency at intersections with unconventional layouts, right-turn overlaps, emergency vehicle conflict concerns, and high pedestrian volumes.

Dynamic Turn Restrictions Overland Park, Kansas uses dynamic turn restrictions for right turns at six locations to address three scenarios: intersections with recently removed right-turn overlaps,…
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