An adaptive signal control system in Oakland County, Michigan reduced travel time by 7.0 to 8.6 percent during peak periods.
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The Impact of SCATS on Travel Time and Delay

Summary Information

This study measured travel times before and after implementation of SCATS (Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System) on a 3.1-mile arterial corridor in Oakland County, Michigan. The results indicated travel time decreased 8.6 percent in the morning peak direction of travel and 7 percent in the evening peak direction of travel. Off peak and non-peak direction travel times were also improved, decreasing 6.6 to 31.8 percent. The improved travel times observed on this major arterial, however, lead to increased average delay on minor arterial approaches.

The Impact of SCATS on Travel Time and Delay

The Impact of SCATS on Travel Time and Delay
Source Publication Date
Abdel-Rahim, Ahmed, et al.
Paper presented at the 8th Annual ITS America Meeting. Detroit, Michigan
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