Estimated Cost for Implementing Max-Pressure Adaptive Signal Control on 3,280 Intersections in the Twin Cities Metro Area in Minnesota was $69,961,900.

Estimated Costs for an Adaptive Signal Control System Using Max-Pressure in Minnesota Were Influenced by the Addition of Loop Detectors and Video Detection System Upgrades.

Made Public Date

To implement the max-pressure signal timing technology, additional loop detectors would be needed to determine queue lengths at the signalized intersections. In addition to loop detectors, another option could be to raise the video detectors higher to have a better range of vision so they can better detect queues. Therefore, considering the unit costs of items required for max-pressure control system implementation at a total of 3,280 intersections in the Twin Cities Metro Area, the total system cost estimate would come to $69,961,900. The details of an estimated cost breakdown are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Estimated cost breakdown for implementing Max-Pressure Control*

Estimated Costs Signal Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost
MnDOT Loop Detectors Extension 635 $32,000 $20,320,000
Hennepin County Detection Cameras 460 $12,500 $5,750,000
Hennepin County MaxTime Controllers 460 $2,545 $1,170,700
Other Agencies’ Loop Detectors Extension 1093 $24,000 $26,232,000
Other Agencies’ Video Detection System Upgrades 1092 $15,100 $16,489,200
Total 3280   $69,961,900

*Cost for loop detector is based on USDOT’s information for the cost of installing a loop detector with existing pavement per lane ($2,000, based on 2013 dollar value).

System Cost

 Adaptive Signal Control (3,280 Intersections): $69,961,900

System Cost Subsystem