Coordination and sharing of transportation operations data may improve information flow and understanding between entities
Date Posted

National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 460: Sharing Operations Data Among Agencies

Summary Information

The objective of this study was to synthesize the current state of practice with respect to operations data sharing identifying:

  • Business cases for sharing operations data
  • Successful multi-agency operation data sharing practices
  • Examples and case examples of operation improvements resulting from sharing
  • Other challenges that continue to impede data sharing

This objective is accomplished with a literature review and use of a survey. There were 239 survey responses from state and local transportation agencies, transit service providers, law enforcement, emergency management agencies, and similar agencies.

The coordination and sharing of transportation operations data may:
  • Improve information flow and coordination between all jurisdictions and agencies involved in an incident
  • Enhance the understanding of joint priorities and restrictions by all agencies with responsibility for an incidents
  • Provide a single set of objectives for those working to resolve an incident--a collective approach to develop strategies to achieve traffic incident management objectives
  • Optimize the combined efforts of all agencies as they perform their respective assignments to mitigate the impacts of incidents--all of which leads to significant benefits in terms of:
    o Safety
    o Congestion reduction
    o The environment
    o Cost savings to agencies and the public
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