Archived data management systems benefit planning and decision-making within agencies

Six case studies from around the United States find planning and decision-support benefits with archived data management systems

Date Posted

Archived Data Management Systems: A Cross Cutting Study, Linking Operations and Planning Data

Summary Information

The Archived Data Management System (ADMS) is an information management system that collects, processes, documents and stores real-time ITS data for use by a broad cross section of users. ADMS provides a valuable tool for developing operational strategies, planning for operations, long-term planning, and policy and investment decision-making.

This report examines five agencies that have established and are operating successful ADMSs, and one on the verge of becoming fully operational: the Washington State Transportation Center (Washington State TRAC), the California Department of Transportation Freeway Performance Measuring System (Caltrans PeMS), the Detroit Michigan ITS Center (Detroit MITS), Minnesota Department of Transportation Traffic Management Center (Minnesota TMC), King County Washington Metro (King County Metro)and the Maricopa County Arizona Regional Archive Data Server (Maricopa County RADS).

The report presents findings on the design choices, operational policies, funding sources, and costs and benefits experienced by each of the six ADMS case studies. In doing so, the objective is to enable agencies to overcome the challenges of establishing an ADMS and to experience the many benefits for both operations and planning.


The data collection and archival characteristics of ADMS are keys to the benefits identified through the case studies. These benefits are:
  • Improved planning
  • Improved policy decision-making
  • Improved investment decision-making
  • Improved operations planning
  • Rapid access to data