The capital cost to integrate voice and data networks for regional traffic incident management was estimated at $10 million.

Portland Metro's Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO) strategies

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In the Portland metro area, regional partners created a vision for Transportation System Management and Operations (TSMO). Key stakeholders from across the region including public agency staff, transportation operations professionals, and private representatives of the traveling public, convened to develop a regional TSMO plan. Expenditures were identified for capital improvements and investments in maintaining system personnel and promoting services, as well as managing the overall operations for each functional area over a 10 year period from 2010 to 2020. The table below excerpted from the source report shows preliminary cost estimates and associated time frames for regional incident management projects.

Traffic Incident Management Projects

Time Frame
Capital Cost
Annual O&M Cost
Expand and improve incident management (expanding routes, adding surveillance, establishing target clearance goals and expanding staffing and training)
1-5 years
Expand incident management teams/training
1-5 years
Integrate voice and data networks
1-5 years
Upgrade emergency responder geographic information system (GIS) system
6-10 years
Initiate dynamic routing and preemption pilot project
11+ years