Cost for 6 RWIS totals $55,000 with annual operating cost of $3,800 per unit.

Estimated costs from Kansas City Scout Weather Integration Plan

Made Public Date

Kansas City Scout is a comprehensive traffic congestion management and traveler information system operated jointly by the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) and the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) to address the traffic impacts on over 100 miles of contiguous freeways on both sides of the state line throughout the greater Kansas City area. In 2009, KC Scout used the U.S. DOT Road Weather Management Program (RWMP) Self-Assessment and Planning Guide to help assess its levels of TMC weather integration, identify ongoing needs and assist in creating a practical plan to successfully meet those needs.

Six new Road Weather Information System (RWIS) devices were identified for installation by KC Scout in conjunction with three pre-approved expansion plans. The devices cost $55,000, and the installation costs were reduced because the power and cabinet installation were included as part of the route expansions. The system operations and maintenance costs are $22,800 annually.

System Cost

Capital Cost for 6 RWIS devices- $55,000 O&M Cost - $3,800 per unit

System Cost Subsystem