Intelligent intersection signal control systems that use connected vehicle data to optimize approach and departure speeds of vehicles equipped with cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) systems can reduce fuel consumption by 21.8 percent.

Evaluation data highlighted in USDOT presentation.

Date Posted

Eco-Signal Operations: Concept of Operations Document (Presentation)

Summary Information

The USDOT Applications for the Environment Real-time Information Synthesis (AERIS) program supports development of advanced technologies to encourage more sustainable relationships between transportation and the environment. AERIS applications related to intelligent intersection signal control include the following Eco-signal operations.


Eco-signal operations use connected vehicle technologies to decrease fuel consumption and decrease greenhouse gasses (GHG) and criteria air pollutant emissions by reducing idling, the number of stops, unnecessary acceleration and deceleration as well as improving traffic flow at signalized intersections.

The following potential benefits were summarized in the source report.

Eco-Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections:
Uncoordinated: Provides 5 to 10 percent fuel reduction benefits.
Coordinated: Provides up to 12-13 percent fuel reduction benefits above the baseline.

    • 8 percent of this fuel reduction benefit is attributable to simply coordinating the signals (without the eco approach and departure application in use)
    • 4 to 5 percent attributable to the Eco approach and departure application.

When considering CACC capabilities, it is possible to achieve 21.84 percent reduction.