Transit AVL can improve O&M and reduce operating expenses.
Date Posted

APTS Benefits

Summary Information

This report identified major benefits derived from applications of Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS).

  • In Kansas City, AVL reduced scheduled running times and generated an estimated operations and maintenance cost savings of $400,000 annually.
  • In New Jersey, automated fare collection increased revenues by 12 percent and saved an estimated $2.7 million from the reduced cost of handling fare media.
  • In London, Ontario, an AVL system provided continuous schedule adherence saving $40,000 to $50,000 on money needed for schedule adherence surveys.
  • In Winston-Salem, a CAD/AVL paratransit system decreased operating expenses by 8.5 percent per vehicle mile; passenger transport costs decreased by 2.4 percent per passenger trip.

APTS Benefits

APTS Benefits
Source Publication Date
Federal Transit Administration, U.S. DOT
Goal Areas
Deployment Locations