In North Carolina, a work zone equipped with smart work zone traveler information systems observed fewer crashes compared to other work zones without the technology.
Date Posted

Knowing Ahead of Time

Summary Information

This report identified several work zone projects where real-time traffic monitoring and traveler information systems were used to improve safety and reduce congestion.

Highlighted results are shown below:

Real-time traffic and alternate route information at work zones.

In May 2002, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) deployed a smart work zone information system to alleviate congestion on I-95 just north of Fayetteville. The system was designed to estimate work zone delay using traffic sensor data and automatically post alternate route information on portable roadside dynamic message signs (DMS) during periods of heavy congestion.

After the system began operating, traffic queues decreased, and NCDOT noted that there were no fatalities associated with this work zone, and fewer crashes compared to previous I-95 projects without this technology.