AV Adoption Can Lead to Safer Roads and Increased Room for Bicyclists.

A recent paper from Australia found that policy experts were optimistic about the potential of Autonomous Vehicle technologies to improve the road experience for different types of users.

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Autonomous vehicles and cycling: Policy implications and management issues

Summary Information

 The advent of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is likely to have profound impacts on the entire transportation system, reaching beyond automobile-based modes. A team of Australian researchers performed an exploratory study to examine the ways in which it may impact cycling. The researchers conducted interviews with a variety of stakeholders, including those representing local governments, technological firms, trade unions, and public transit agencies, to create a list of potential issues that will need to be addressed in order to optimize outcomes for AVs and bicyclists alike. 

Some of the potential benefits that are projected from increased utilization of AVs were: 

  • Increased safety of bicycling as a mode. Bicyclists are likely to benefit from AVs' collision detection systems, which allow the vehicles to maintain a constant field of vision. Additionally, their improve perceptual capabilities would enable spacing regulations--such as those requiring motorists to remain a certain distance from bicyclists--to be more effectively maintained. 

  • Increased proportion of bicyclists. The interviewed experts noted that the potential of shared AV rides could lower the importance of owning a personal automobile, as travelers would have access to cheaper, more efficient transportation modes. This would likely lead to an increase of bicycles' mode share, as travelers make use of more flexible options.  

  • Increased room for bicycling infrastructure. Some interviewees indicated that in the long term, as shared AV rides became more common, the demand for parking spaces and parking lanes may decrease enough that the area may be refurbished into bike lanes. This would make biking more accessible and safer as a mode. 

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