In Toronto, Canada, simulation models show that traffic-sensitive dynamic route guidance systems can increase throughput.
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Accident Risk Assessment Using Microsimulation for Dynamic Route Guidance

Summary Information

This study compared Dynamic Route Guidance Systems (DRG) with Safety-Enhanced Route Guidance Systems (SRG) using a hypothetical transportation network to measure travel time savings, throughput, and vehicle accidents. The accident characteristics data input into the hypothetical model was derived from multiple Accident Prediction Models (APM) designed from the metropolitan transportation network in Toronto, Canada. The Accident Prediction Models provided the data necessary to estimate the number of accidents based on capacity and vehicle turning movements each hour. This data was input into the hypothetical model and then network activity was measured to determine the effects of DRG and SRG on network activity.

The DRG application enabled familiar/informed drivers to receive real-time traffic information and choose routes with the least travel time. The SRG application provided familiar/informed drivers with turning decision information every five minutes and enabled them to choose routes with minimal accident risk.

Dynamic Route Guidance
  • DRG-equipped vehicles increased network throughput.
Safety-Enhanced Route Guidance
  • The SRG application increased network throughput.
Goal Areas
Deployment Locations