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Training cost for real-time Archived Data User Service (ADUS) was $350,000 over 18 month period.

Caltrans' experience training staff to use the Freeway Performance Measurement System (PeMS) traffic analysis tools

Made Public Date

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) created a network of freeway sensors in order to monitor traffic and track historical data. This system is named the Freeway Performance Measurement System (PeMS) and is hosted by the University of California - Berkeley. However, even after years, Caltrans employees were still using "Census Traffic Data" which was not generated through ITS methods and could be one to three years old instead of using PeMS and it's accompanying Archived Data User Service (ADUS). Caltrans decided to implement a training program for potential users, both Caltrans employees and MPO employees, that was a full day of training that included four classes on different uses of the PeMS data and tools to help them do their jobs. To expand awareness, over 34 training sessions were provided.

Caltrans implemented training to transition users to using automated methods of analysis enabled by PeMS. Caltrans initiated the department-wide training plan from August 2006 to February 2007. The process included:

  • Outreach sessions to socialize the idea of the training
  • Total of 34 day long training classes delivered in 7 different districts around the state
  • Classes were hands-on, with in-class exercises in front of computers
  • Diverse group of people trained (over 400 users)
    • Caltrans employees (traffic operations, planning, census, managers, etc)
    • Agency partners (local MPOs, CMAs, Air quality districts)
    • Contractors
  • The budget for training was $350K.

Nobody Is Going To Pick This Up By Themselves: Training is Important for ADUS Acceptance

Nobody Is Going To Pick This Up By Themselves: Training is Important for ADUS Acceptance
Source Publication Date
Karl Petty, Berkeley Transportation Systems
2007 Archived Data User Services (ADUS) Workshop,Presented at the 86th Annual TRansportation Research Board Meeting.
System Cost

ADUS - $350,000 for 34 training courses