Cost per drone delivery estimated to be under $1 per package with number of drones managed per operator causing largest variable in cost.

Ark Invest estimated cost per package delivery by drone.

Made Public Date
  • Estimated cost per delivery by drone: $0.88
  • If an operator could only oversee half the estimated number of drones (5-6 drones) the cost per delivery could increase to $1.59 per delivery
  • If an operator could oversee double the estimated number of drones (20-22 drones) the cost could decrease to $0.52.

The costs below are based on the following assumptions:

  • Packages weigh fewer than five pounds; and
  • The delivery distance is within ten miles of the warehouse facilities.


Drone per unit (USD)
Volume of Packages per Day
Drones per Operator
Operator Salary (USD)
Other Operation Costs (USD)
Estimated Cost per Delivery (USD)
$1,000 – $3,000
$6.30 per GB of data

$0.10 per KWh of battery


System Cost

See summary

System Cost Subsystem