Hybrid Vehicle Actuation signal timing using connected vehicle broadcasts and inductive loop data can reduce delay by up to 32 percent compared to inductive loop only systems.

Comparing the performance of a traffic responsive intersection controller combining vehicle Global Positioning System data and inductive loop information, to fixed-time, inductive loop, and GPS based traffic controllers.

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A hybrid traffic responsive intersection control algorithm using global positioning system and inductive loop data

Summary Information

Inefficient signal timing choices by isolated intersection controllers contribute to traffic delays, causing severe negative impacts on the economy and environment. Signal timing may be improved using vehicle GPS information combined with vehicle flow information from inductive loops. Connected vehicles are expected to be one solution, but there will be a transition period where conditions need to be optimized for both connected and non-connected vehicles.

This study proposes a traffic responsive Hybrid Vehicle Actuation (HVA) algorithm uses position and heading data from connected vehicle (CV) status broadcasts and inferred velocity information to determine queue lengths and detect vehicles passing through the intersection to actuate intersection signal timings. In the absence of vehicle broadcasts, inductive loop data are used.


The HVA algorithm uses dynamic real-time information from Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAMs) received from connected vehicle broadcasts and incorporates flow data from inductive loops, important when CV presence is low. Microscopic simulations comparing HVA to fixed-time control, inductive Loop Based Vehicle Actuation (Loop-VA), and GPS Based Vehicle Actuation (GPS-VA) on four urban road networks were performed to see how the proposed HVA algorithm performs compared to existing control strategies.


The results show that HVA with two inductive loops is an effective alternative to traditional intersection control strategies, offering delay reductions of up to 32 percent over Loop-VA, for networks with 0 to 100 percent connected vehicle presence. By using both GPS and loop data, HVA provides an enhanced signalized intersection control with available ITS data and remains robust even when CV penetration is low.

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