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Universal deployment of a Lane Change Assist system on motorcycles could prevent 17 to 24 percent of motorcycle crashes resulting in injuries in Germany.

Lane Change Assist system developed for motorcycles to address crashes caused by lane changes.

Date Posted

Advanced driver assistance systems for motorcycles: Concept of a lane change assist

Summary Information

In 2015, there were 12,611 registered motorcycle crashes in Germany and 24-percent of these crashes were caused by a lane change maneuver. These crashes put human lives at risk and may lead to serious injuries. The challenge is finding a way to support the driver making a lane change.


A Lane Change Assist (LCA) system was developed with two cameras enabling an imaging sensor system to survey the area. Image processing was based on advanced algorithms, converting the image into an orthogonal view, illustrating lane markings and surrounding vehicles to the rear. Distances between other vehicles were calculated in this perspective. At this point, the algorithm determined when another vehicle was at a safe distance to make a lane change. If that distance was too small, the LCA initiated visual and haptic warnings.


The LCA system developed in this research could prevent up to 17 to 24 percent of all motorcycle crashes resulting in injuries in Germany.

Goal Areas
Results Type
Deployment Locations