Increase in automatic speed enforcement camera coverage in Finland resulted in a benefit-cost ratia of 3.91 and over $15 million in annual safety benefits.

Finnish Road Administration increases speed camera coverage by 520 kilometers

Date Posted

Automatic speed enforcement in Finland

Summary Information

In 2001, The Finnish Road Administration increased automatic speed enforcement coverage by 520 kilometers, resulting in 800 kilometers of coverage. This extension targeted rural roads, roads with high driver speeds, and roads with a history of serious accidents.


The Finnish Road Administration conducted an analysis of costs and benefits of additional enforcement. Multiplying expected annual reductions in injuries (15) and deaths (4) by the statistical value of those avoided injuries ($345,000 average) and fatalities ($2.69 million average) resulted in a total annual socio-economic benefit of $15.22 million in 2004 dollars. A total project benefit-cost ratio was calculated by subtracting system costs from the annual benefit and computing the net present value assuming a 10 year project lifespan and 5 percent discount rate.


The extension of speed enforcement coverage in Finland resulted in the following calculated benefits:
  • $15.22 annual socio-economic benefit of avoided injuries and fatalities
  • Benefit-cost ratio of 3.91