Annual maintenance costs for a traffic signal control system upgraded from five non-coordinated actuated signals to five coordinated actuated signals is $2,434.40.

Estimated annual maintenance costs for coordinated actuated signals in Gloucester, Virginia.

Made Public Date

A case study for quantifying the benefits of coordinated actuated traffic signal systems provided cost estimates for upgrading a 2.4 mile arterial segment on Route 17 in Gloucester, Virginia from a non-coordinated system to a coordinated system. The segment consist of five actuated isolated signalized intersections with distances between the intersections varying from 0.15 mile to 1.5 miles. Peak hour traffic volumes are about 600 vehicles per hour per lane, a rate which is considered to be uncongested.

  • Converting the non-coordinated actuated signal control system to a coordinated system will increase annual traffic controller maintenance costs from $200 to $300 per intersection.
  • The "net present value" over 10 years for the system maintenance costs is $1,621.60 per year for the non-coordinated system and $2,434.40 per year for the coordinated system.
  • The net costs for implementing a coordinated signal system on this segment of Route 17 is $2,432.40 - $1621.60, or $810.8 per year for 10 years.
System Cost

Non-Coordinated Signal System Annual Maintenance - $1621.60 (5 signals) Coordinated Signal System Annual Maintenance - $2434.40 (5 signals)

System Cost Subsystem