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Outside San Francisco, a transit-based smart parking system contributed to an increase in transit mode share, a decrease in commute time and a reduction in total VMT.
Date Posted

Transit-Based Smart Parking in the U.S.: Behavioral Analysis of San Francisco Bay Area Field Test

Summary Information

In December 2004, a field operational test of the first transit-based smart parking system implemented in the U.S was launched at the Rockridge Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District station. This smart parking system provided space availability displayed on roadside dynamic message signs and the ability to reserve parking spaces at a transit station, either pre-trip or en route, via telephone, mobile phone, Internet, or PDA . Surveys of participants were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of this transit-based smart parking. This study reveals the results of the survey on participant commute travel behavior, including changes in transit ridership, auto access to transit, and vehicles miles traveled (VMT).


The participant survey found:
  • Sizable increases in transit mode share of 5.5 more transit commutes per month for on-site work commutes.
  • Decreased average commute time an average of 5 percent for a 50 minute commute,
  • Reduction in total vehicle-miles-traveled per participant of 9.7 miles per month.
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