Most truck drivers who participated in an evaluation of CVISN technology felt that electronic screening saved them time but lacked a set of standards governing inspection selection; motor carriers were concerned with the cost-effectiveness of the technology.
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Evaluation of the Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) Model Deployment Initiative: Volume I - Final Report

Summary Information

This study examined CVISN (Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks) and evaluated the impacts of electronic screening, electronic credentialing, and safety information exchange on commercial vehicle operations in "truck shed" states. In 1996, Maryland and Virginia initiated a prototype program designed to develop standards and evaluate baseline conditions. By 1999, five states including Maryland, Virginia, Connecticut, Kentucky, and Oregon were actively engaged in the CVISN pilot. These programs were analyzed to evaluate the benefits and costs of CVISN prior to national deployment.

Customer satisfaction studies were conducted. Mail-in surveys were received from 158 motor carriers and in-person interviews were conducted with 61 truck drivers.

  • Motor carriers were concerned with the cost-effectiveness of electronic screening methods and the expansion of state regulation.
  • Truck drivers vigorously wanted standards governing the rules and procedures for inspection selection.
  • Most truck drivers who experienced electronic screening felt it saved them time.