Following deployment of the TransGuide freeway management system in San Antonio, Texas, crash frequency was reduced by 41 percent and incident response time decreased by 20 percent.
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Before-and-After Analysis of the San Antonio TransGuide System

Summary Information

The first phase of the San Antonio TransGuide System became operational on July 26, 1995 and included 26 miles of downtown freeway. This paper documents the impact of the system on crashes and incident response times during the first five months of operation and reports the findings of a survey investigation into driver response to the TransGuide system.


The first phase of the TransGuide system includes dynamic message signs, lane control signs, loop detectors, video surveillance cameras, and a communication network covering the 26 instrumented miles. Comparing crash statistics for August – December of 1992, 1993, and 1994, with the statistics for August – December 1995, the paper reports that the system reduced primary accidents by 35 percent, reduced secondary accidents by 30 percent, reduced inclement weather accidents by 40 percent, and reduced overall accidents by 41 percent.
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