The city of Colorado Springs, Colorado spent about $5.6 million to replace in-pavement loops with video detection at 420 intersections.
Made Public Date

In April 2001, the city of Colorado Springs, Colorado began the process of replacing in-pavement loops with video detection at 420 intersections. With an average of 24 loops per intersection, the system consisted of over 10,000 loops. Loop failure rate was about 20% and loop replacement costs were estimated at $500 each contracted out resulting in a maintenance cost of about $1,000,000 per year if maintenance had kept up with demand. The city made the decision to replace the loops with video detection technology.

Separate contracts for the video detection system were let for equipment and installation. The equipment bid included functional specifications and required a 2-year warranty and free upgrades. Installers were required to attend training conducted by the product vendor and city signal technicians. Fine-tuning of the cameras was performed by city crews. The cost per intersection varied based on the type of intersection (mast arm, span wire), number of cameras (1 to 8), and additional work (lighting). The average cost per intersection, $13,000, does not include city crew staff time, but does include the cost of a custom built video van, an additional bucket truck, and various test equipment. The relatively low cost per intersection is due in part to the large number of intersections involved in the project, keeping the equipment and installation bids separate, and using city crews to perform fine-tuning. Prior to contracting out for the video system, the city decided to evaluate a number of intersections. The cost for the 15 test intersections was $22,000 per intersection.

Replacing In-pavement loops with Video Detection

Replacing In-pavement loops with Video Detection
Source Publication Date
Kenny, Robert L., PE
Conveyances, The Official Newsletter of the ITE Colorado/Wyoming Section
System Cost

Average cost per intersection: $13,000. Total project cost: $5.6 million.