Simulation of a network based on the Detroit Commercial Business District indicated that adaptive signal control for detours around an incident could reduce delay by 60 to 70 percent and that travel times can be reduced by 25 to 41 percent under non-incident conditions.
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Studies of Potential Intelligent Transportation Systems Benefits Using Traffic Simulation Modeling: Volume 2

Summary Information

Simulation of a network based on the Detroit Commercial Business District indicated that adaptive signal control for detours around an incident reduced delay by 60 to 70 percent for affected paths. Additionally, when simulating the effects of providing alternative routing information, 52 percent of vehicles that used an alternative rather than the detour benefited. Using the same network under non-incident conditions, it was demonstrated that a synchronized, actuated signal control system reduced travel times between 25 to 41 percent. The highest savings occurred for high traffic volume paths. Over all paths, 91 percent had some benefit and 65 percent benefited over 20 percent.

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