In 1995, analysis of the TravLink test in the Minneapolis area found that slightly more than one access per participant per week.
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ITS Benefits, Evaluation and Costs: Results and Lessons from the Minnesota Guidestar Travlink Operational Test

Summary Information

The TravLink test in the Minneapolis area distributed PC and video text terminals and made transit route and schedule information available to 315 users. Both schedule adherence information and traffic incidents and construction information was provided. In July of 1995, users logged on to the system a total of 1660 times and averaged slightly more than one access per participant per week. Thirty-three (33) percent of visitors who accessed the system requested bus schedule adherence information, and 31 percent examined bus schedules. In addition, three kiosk terminals provided similar information in downtown areas. In these areas, users averaged a total of 71 accesses per weekday between January and July of 1995 and most visitors requested real-time traffic data rather than bus schedule adherence information.

Deployment Locations